Thursday, June 11, 2015

Processional Hymn: How great Thou art

Introduction by Father Christian

First Reading
A Reading from the second letter of
St. Paul to the Corinthians 5:1.6-10
Read by: Kevin Divall

Bidding Prayers by
Dr. Shanti Mendonca and
Dr. Neil Santamaria


Dr. Barry - Apologies I missed the start of your playing. 
Was too slow to remove the camera from the tripod.

Bexleyheath Cemetery - Banks Lane, Bexleyheath DA6 7BH


 Tribute to Dr. Elias Coutinho
by Albert Mendes
I have been honored and privileged to have known Elias and Sylvie for over 50 years. During this time I was always welcomed in their home. I considered this to be my second home. I just had to turn up and I would be welcomed at the door by Elias with a big smile on his face. Even, if he was not well he always made an effort to welcome and make me feel at ease. My greeting at the door would be...Baba how how how are you?  His reply would be OK .On the phone I would start by saying in “broken English”...What doing you him? He would reply mean sitting.?...How come you know everything? I know nothing, I am only a doctor no? Now when I say Ely he is Elias; he is one and the same person I am talking about, I am used to calling him Ely. 
Ely was a gifted man. He was like a walking encyclopedia. In maths he was a genius. He could work out any mathematical problem to the last decimal. He said to me in church on Sundays he found the sermons boring. I set my self a problem. It could be anything, weight lifting, snooker or astronomy. One day he said to me I worked out a problem involving  pie  pie squared. distance fro the stars to the earth. It was so complicated even Stephen Hawkins would have no answer. I sat listening. I could not understand what he was saying. After he had finished I said to Ely as for pie, pi,
I know how to make a fish pie and eat a pork pie.
Ely took up astronomy very seriously. He read all the books and magazines and knew the name of all the stars in the sky. One evening, I had to pick up Ely and Sylvia as we were going out for a dinner.  As we stepped out of the house, Ely said to Sylvia the sky is very clear can you see the milky way galaxy? Sylvie in that excitement said where, where He pointed there. He turned to me, Albert can you see? See what? The milky way galaxy. Now, I suffer from arthritis in my neck and to concentrate on the stars he was pointing my neck was hurting. I said to myself God.... I wish I had a milky bar or a galaxy chocolate bar to give me strength and relieve my aching neck.
Ely was a man of his word. Alick, you remember we used to go to Bexley Broadway to play snooker and the hall was smokey and we had to wait in our queue for our turn, and Ely said to us one fine day I will have my own snooker table. How right he was.He also said to me he would have a grand piano, right enough, there is a grand piano in the house.
Now what can I say about my dearest friend. He was a good listener dedicated, intelligent, compassionate, loving father, devoted to his beautiful wife, gentle, polite, kind and a good pianist. He was also my personal doctor, my financial advisor, my mentor, my billiard and snooker buddy, my physical trainer the list goes on. I shall miss him dearly.
I had a dream about Ely last night. He said to me, I have booked a piano lesson with Chopin...... and I am on cloud nine
Kwerie Bawana I bid you farewell. Rest in peace my dear friend

Ladies and gentleman  below is a photograph of
Dr Elias Coutinho kindly taken by his very best friend
Albert Mendes.

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Dads sister

God bless his Soul and take him into Heaven. 


P.S. Albert - Thanks for the lovely photograph (above) you took of Dr Elias and also great job done with the 'Order of Service for Dr Elias Coutinho' 
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Dear Sylvie & All the Family
Cc: Relatives & Friends


Royal funerals are always viewed on TV across the world. Your beloved Elias was Royal to everyone who knew him and was very special to one and all.

As a tribute to Dr. Elias I have put together a blogspot titled
with photographs and video clips taken (with permission) on Thursday 11th June 2015 as we bid him farewell.

Best regards and good wishes to all your family and relatives.
Benny  & Betty